Archive for the ‘thoughts’ Tag

So about that thing called writing…

Yeah I think it will be good for me.  See, I think I have a lot to say.  And a lot I want to chronicle – from those random fun moments with one of my kids to really cool experiences I might have with God and everything in between.  And I have this problem – and I kind of like to blame on it on my recently discovered BRAIN TUMOR – but I tend to forget a lot about my past.  And I am surrounded by people who remember so much more than I do – like my sister Jessica (who remembers every detail of our childhood) and my sister-in-law and nemesis Mandy (I think I will have to devote a whole post to how she became my nemesis! But she remembers more about my kids as babies than I do.  It makes me disgusted) And I think that’s a darn shame because I’ve had a pretty fantastic life and I don’t just want it to go on down the memory drain like it never happened.

See, Jessica recently recommend the fantastic book A Thousand Miles in a Million Years by Don Miller and it really inspired me.  There was this one guy that Don met who literally wrote down every experience or memory he had – everyday.  By writing it down he was making sure all those great times and memories would stay alive.

I think that’s what I want to do.  I want to remember: my kids Charis, Selah, Cosi, and Judah.  My wife and best friend Rebekah.  My incredible family.  My friends.  My ups.  My downs.  My thoughts.  My dreams.  My hurts.  My joys. My stuff.  My valleys.  My peaks.  And funny stuff.  Funny stuff tends to be the theme that keeps all this stuff together.  If it wasn’t for funny stuff, I don’t know how I’d make it in the world.  Like tonight we were playing a fan favorite board game – Who-nu.  Judah plays along but doesn’t really understand the scoring or quite how the game works.  But he tries and he has fun.  Tonight, he came in last but instead of being sad like most people would be, he relished the fact that his name was called out last and did his patented little dance of victory around the room.  He celebrated like he got a 6 while he only got a 1.  It was seriously funny.

So that’s what I’m going to try to do.  Write it all down.  I’m not going to try to impress anyone with what I write.  If you enjoy, good for you.  If not, I don’t really care.  Someday I want to open up my 50-year-old blog and start reading from right here and get a pretty good glimpse of a life well lived AND remembered.